Discovery Montessori’s mission is to provide high-quality Montessori education programs to a diverse range of students from across the Scranton area. Our mission ensures that at least half of our students are from families with low-to-moderate incomes who attend the school at no cost.
Our vision is for all children to reach their full potential as collaborative and independent learners by providing a Montessori education that nurtures their spirits and helps them become engaged citizens of the world.
The core values at the heart of our community provide the best environment for students to develop skills in critical thinking, civic engagement, and creative problem-solving.

Nurturing Independence
Our classrooms are thoughtfully designed to meet our student’s developmental needs and support and nurture their natural curiosity for learning. By guiding rather than mandating the learning process, we encourage the natural development of the student’s independence, self-direction, and self-motivation.

Inspiring Empathetic Leadership
Our classroom communities provide the perfect setting for students to explore and fulfill their need for social order. They are free to be a follower at some times and a leader at others. Together with lessons in grace and courtesy, our curriculum gives our students the vocabulary and self-awareness to recognize and regulate their feelings, the ability to feel empathy for others, and the strategies and tools for managing conflict. They understand that they have a shared responsibility for the group’s well-being.

Cultivating a Love of Learning
Discovery Montessori follows the Montessori mantra of Follow the Child. Our teachers understand that children have an innate sense of wonder and curiosity, and they foster this by allowing the child to follow that curiosity. Students are encouraged to explore and learn, taking as much time as they need, until that curiosity is satisfied. Given the right environment and supporting materials, a socially and emotionally balanced community, teachers who guide rather than mandate, and the freedom to follow their curiosity, Discovery Montessori students discover the true joy of learning.
Discovery Montessori welcomes students and families from all backgrounds, religions, races, and cultures.